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Colored Wooden Dugout

$13.99 each

1 item in stock
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This colorful wooden dugout is a great companion for any smoker who wants to keep things discrete.

This dugout includes a colored wooden box with a swivel lid, to store your flower in, and a metal mock-cigarette, single-hitter, chillum which is used to insert into the dugout containing your loose and ground flower and pressed snuggly against the bottom of the dugout in order to pack the chillum with some of your product.

When using this product in public, the mock-cigarette-style chillum allows the user the ability to smoke inconspicuously.

The storage capabilities of this dugout allow users to carry both their flower as well as their smoking apparatus in one single item rather than having to carry a separate grinder or flower canister alongside a smoking piece, saving you space.
The only other item one must have in order to use this product is simply a lighter.

This product's outward design also incorporates hand-hold grip indentations which allow the user a comfortable grip and a better hold of the product and keep it from slipping out of the hand.

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